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By: I. Deckard, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Program Director, UCSF School of Medicine

Many of the patients with combined pancreas and kidney transplants had no morphologic alterations in their renal allograft biopsies erectile dysfunction medication causes order line viagra sublingual. Mesangial volume remained stable in the patients with pancreas allografts reasons erectile dysfunction young age order viagra sublingual 100 mg, but it increased in the patients without such transplants. Fioretto and Mauer (513) studied renal structure before and 5 and 10 years after pancreas transplantation in eight type 1 diabetic patients. These patients had established diabetic nephropathy at the time of pancreas transplantation. Changes have chiefly included reduction in glomerular size (514) or in mesangial expansion (515,516). Progression Factors and Renoprotection Because only 30% to 40% of diabetics develop diabetic nephropathy and the occurrence of such lesions decreases life expectancy, it is important to determine predictors of nephropathy as well as means to delay or prevent the progression of this disease. Several factors including onset of type 1 diabetes later in life, parental type 1 diabetes, edema, and an abnormal electrocardiogram independently predict progression of renal disease in diabetes (72). However, the most important factors include hypertension and the degree of metabolic control. The impact of hypertension on the progression of diabetic nephropathy also was well documented. These investigators found that the patients who became hypertensive showed an increased propensity for developing proteinuria (60. These investigators studied 45 patients with type 1 diabetes and nephropathy for a median follow-up of 16 years. The cumulative death rate was 45% 16 years after the onset of diabetic nephropathy compared with 94% recorded by Krolewski et al. The latter study was an examination of the natural history of the disease without antihypertensive therapy. Treatment of hypertension also significantly reduces the risk of development of microalbuminuria. Effective antihypertensive treatment postpones renal insufficiency in diabetic nephropathy. Effective control of hypertension has also been shown to slow the rate of progression to renal failure even in patients with overt nephropathy (485,527,528). Four percent of the patients in the intensive treatment group died compared with 28% in the routine treatment group. Renal replacement therapy was required in only 9% of the patients in the intensive therapy group compared with 23% in the routine treatment group, and progression of renal disease occurred in 27% of the intensively treated group compared with 59% of the other group. No difference was seen in degree of metabolic control during the two periods of investigation. Higher blood pressures, even in the range considered normal, are predictive of diabetic nephropathy risk. Patients with advanced diabetic nephropathy and type 1 diabetes had higher mean arterial blood pressure during adolescence (529). The risk of developing nephropathy is also enhanced in diabetic patients with a family history of hypertension (246). The risk of nephropathy was tripled for those patients having a parent with hypertension. Furthermore, the patients with nephropathy had higher maximal velocity of lithium-sodium countertransport in red cells, a marker of risk for essential hypertension. The risk of developing nephropathy was increased still more in those patients with a history of poor metabolic control in their first 10 years of the disease. The authors of this study concluded that the risk of renal disease in diabetics is increased in patients with a genetic predisposition to hypertension, with a further increment in the risk resulting from poor metabolic control. A significantly improved median survival time of 14 years or greater has been documented in patients treated with aggressive antihypertensive therapy (519,535). Data from the Framingham and the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial Diabetic Cohort showed that cardiovascular mortality was increased by a factor of 2 to 4 in diabetic patients and there was a clear association between systolic blood pressure and complications without any threshold value (536). This finding led investigators to examine the effect of strict metabolic control during the stage of incipient nephropathy on the later development of overt glomerulosclerosis.

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Persistent and moderate proteinuria impotence biking cheap viagra sublingual online amex, associated with microscopic hematuria in some patients erectile dysfunction herbal treatment discount viagra sublingual 100mg with mastercard, is the most frequent presenting symptom. Nephrotic syndrome has been observed in a minority of patients and has an ominous significance. Progression to renal failure occurs in about 30% of the patients with renal symptoms, usually many years after discovery of proteinuria, but more rapidly, in less than 10 years in some patients (187,189). A puzzling feature is the unpredictable course of the glomerulopathy, even within a given family, as exemplified by a family studied by Meyrier et al. In some patients, they are severe enough to be recognized at birth, whereas in others, they must be identified by careful examination. Nail aplasia or dysplasia, always predominating on the hands and particularly on the thumbs, is nearly constant. Hypoplasia or dysplasia of the patella, frequently associated with dysplasia of other structures of the knee, is also observed in about 95% of the patients. Elbow dysplasia with posterolateral subluxation of the radial head is responsible for limitation of extension of the forearm. Iliac horns are pathognomonic, and they are discovered on plain radiography of the pelvis in about 70% of the patients. In young children, unilateral or bilateral clubfoot may be the major initial abnormality. No correlation has been found between the type of mutation (missense, nonsense, frameshift, deletion) and the severity of renal or extrarenal symptoms. However, the gene Lmx1b is expressed in the mouse kidney, specifically in the podocytes, from the S-shaped body stage onward, and expression persists in postnatal mature podocytes (193,198,199). It is a rare disease; approximately 40 cases have been described, mainly observed in Japan (206,207,211,212). On periodic acid-Schiff stain, the thickening is owing to the presence of poorly stained subendothelial material associated with mesangial interposition. The lesion may mimic diffuse thrombotic microangiopathy, or it may resemble type I membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis if mesangial hypercellularity is associated. With progression of the disease, severe narrowing of the capillary lumens is observed, and the lesion may mimic diabetic glomerulopathy or amyloidosis. A: Note the diffuse thickening of the glomerular capillary walls by a clear subendothelial material, the parietal expansion of the mesangial matrix, and the endothelial hypertrophy. Irregular thickening of the glomerular capillary wall is mostly due to mesangial interposition. According to the geographic origin and the age at presentation, two types of evolution have been observed. In Japanese and in a few Caucasian patients, symptoms are first detected in adulthood, mostly after 40 years of age. They usually consist of persistent proteinuria, without hematuria, with or without hypertension. Proteinuria and serum creatinine concentration increase slowly, suggesting that renal dysfunction is a late event. The disease is usually sporadic, but it has been observed in one pair of siblings in two families (211). The natural history of the disease is more severe when first symptoms occur in early childhood (205,209,210). Progressive increase in proteinuria, eventually leading to nephrotic syndrome, early occurrence of severe hypertension, and progression to renal failure are observed in most children. A major feature of the disease in children is the familial occurrence of the nephropathy, suggesting an autosomal recessive transmission of the disease: (a) of the 12 patients reported, 7 belonged to pairs of siblings; (b) they were first cousins in two families; and (c) parents were unaffected (205,209). It may differ according to the ethnic origin, the age at onset of the disease, and the family history. There is marked thickening of the capillary wall due to both mesangial interposition and the presence of a clear fluffy material in the subendothelial space.

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With the advent of personalized medicine impotence low testosterone order 100mg viagra sublingual mastercard, these epigenetic changes may potentially serve as therapeutic targets (575) icd 9 erectile dysfunction nos buy viagra sublingual once a day. The specific trigger for such endothelial injury in a genetically predisposed individual remains elusive. Antiendothelial antibodies are frequently detected in the sera of the patients with systemic sclerosis and also in several other autoimmune disorders. Although they can induce antibody-dependent endothelial cell apoptosis, it is unclear if antiendothelial antibodies are just an epiphenomenon rather than pathogenic factors (192,579). Irrespective of the trigger, early endothelial injury causes activation of endothelial cells and release of various cytokines that influence other pathogenic pathways of tissue injury in systemic sclerosis. Genetic and Epigenetic Factors Vascular Abnormalities endotHelial damage Microvascular endothelial damage results in a chain of events including increased capillary permeability, platelet activation, coagulation abnormalities, and altered vasomotor activity. These changes eventually may lead to the typical morphologic and functional alterations seen in systemic sclerosis. Overexpression of endothelin-1 protein in the glomeruli and arterioles of patients with systemic sclerosis and scleroderma renal crisis has also been documented (562). The apoptosis of endothelial cells also triggers the release of fibrogenic mediators that activate fibroblasts and promote persistent myofibroblast differentiation (584). Endothelial cell damage is in turn exacerbated by cytokines and growth factors secreted by activated inflammatory cells, serum cytotoxic factors, and down-regulated complement regulatory proteins. Endothelial complement regulatory proteins normally protect endothelial cells from autologous complement. Fluoresceinated tracers have revealed increased permeability of this capillary system (587). Endothelial cell activation results in increased Initial Injury Endothelial cell injury leading to apoptosis in the microvasculature appears to be an early initiator of the cascade of events that eventually result in the clinical phenotype of systemic sclerosis. Tissue fibrosis and decreased intensity of inflammation were recognized at later stages during disease progression. Platelet actiVation and intraVascular coagulation Various thrombotic lesions in the renal microvasculature shown in histologic sections of the kidney indicate platelet activation. Platelet activation in patients with systemic sclerosis was confirmed by demonstration of elevated levels of circulating platelet aggregates and impaired fibrinolysis (580). Most data seem to support the notion that platelet activation is secondary to endothelial injury; however, the role of a primary platelet abnormality in systemic sclerosis has also been suggested (589,590). The exact mechanism causing the vasoconstriction that accompanies Raynaud phenomenon is not understood. Complex abnormalities of normal vasoregulation were shown in patients with systemic sclerosis and Raynaud phenomenon. Neuropeptides, present in the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and sensory nervous system, may have vasoconstrictor or vasodilator effects. The exact role of neuropeptides in the increased vascular tone in Raynaud phenomenon is not known; however, deficiency of vasodilatory neuropeptides has been suggested (591). The renin-angiotensin system is considered to play a significant role only during scleroderma renal crisis with malignant hypertension (592) Vasoconstriction may also occur in certain viscera in patients with systemic sclerosis (439,593). Patients with proteinuria and milder hypertension had evidence of renal cortical vasoconstriction that can be accentuated by exposure to cold. These vasoconstrictive changes were more pronounced in the setting of severe hypertension and renal failure, accompanied by angiographic changes suggestive of vasospasm of large renal arteries and obliteration of interlobular arteries. The contribution of functional vasoconstriction to kidney damage is difficult to determine both in patients who have developed acute renal failure (scleroderma renal crisis) and in those who have not. In those patients with systemic sclerosis and acute renal failure, structural changes are invariably present in the renal vasculature, and these changes in themselves are sufficient to explain the renal decompensation. Activation of the renin-angiotensin system with its vasoconstrictive consequences could well augment these organic changes. In the case of patients without renal failure, repeated attacks of vasoconstriction corresponding to episodes of Raynaud phenomenon could possibly lead to tubular atrophy and other chronic changes seen at autopsy. Increased vascular resistance indices were demonstrated by color flow Doppler ultrasonography in patients who had systemic sclerosis without clinical symptoms of renal damage (594). The resistance indices were significantly elevated in all three vascular sites (main arteries, interlobar arteries, and cortical arteries) that were explored, but more so in vessels distal to the interlobar arteries. These findings provide evidence of abnormal renal vascular function in patients with systemic sclerosis without clinical evidence of renal damage. Finally, the ability of vasoconstriction to cause structural changes in arteries and arterioles is not known.

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These terms are also often used as generic to refer to any lymphoproliferative or plasma cell disorder associated with production of an abnormal immunoglobulin or light chain erectile dysfunction treatment honey discount 100 mg viagra sublingual overnight delivery. The affected patients often have circulating light chains in the serum or urine detected as a monoclonal (M) spike; they may have clinical manifestations erectile dysfunction drug coupons purchase viagra sublingual pills in toronto, including renal findings, but the bone marrow is not diagnostic of myeloma. Although there may be a small increase in the number of plasma cells, they are not significantly atypical and are not clustered in sheets. In our experience, in approximately 5% of patients with dysproteinemia, the percentage of plasma cells is within the normal range (<5%). Lytic bone lesions are absent, and clinical manifestations are subtle or nondetectable. When ancillary testing is performed (flow cytometry or immunomorphologic evaluations), a clone of plasma cells responsible for the production of the abnormal immunoglobulins is usually found (26). Other criteria include the absence or only small amounts of light chains in the urine, absence of lytic bone lesions, and no related anemia, hypercalcemia, or renal failure (28). Some of these patients essentially have "smoldering or indolent myeloma" and, with time, develop fullblown disease. In fact, renal dysfunction is often the first systemic manifestation of progression. While the percentage of plasma cells is the most predictive feature of myeloma, the cytologic differences are not sharply defined. Recently, the term monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance has been used to refer to patients with renal manifestations associated with circulating monoclonal proteins and seemingly normal bone marrow evaluations (34). The fundamental reason for making a distinction between plasma cell dyscrasia and multiple myeloma is because there is far greater consensus regarding the management of myeloma and renal disease compared to patients with renal disease who do not meet criteria for myeloma. The reality is that the pathogenesis for all these disorders is directly related to the overproduction of abnormal monoclonal light or heavy chains by a neoplastic plasma cell clone. The most recent literature stresses the indication for aggressive chemotherapy to eradicate the existing plasma cell clone. In fact, waiting to fulfill the criteria for myeloma before initiating treatment may deny the patient the early intervention that is needed to achieve optimum results. Synthesis of Immunoglobulin Components by Plasma Cells and Abnormalities in Plasma Cell Dyscrasias Plasma cells synthesize and secrete specific immunoglobulin molecules often with a minor excess of free or light chains. Each immunoglobulin molecule is composed of two identical heavy chains (with molecular weight of approximately 50,000 Da each) and two light chains (molecular weight of approximately 25,000 Da each) linked by variable numbers of disulfide bonds. These variations account for the variability in light chain pathogenicity and the site of pathologic action within the nephron. The carboxyl terminal of each light chain does not vary and is known as the constant C region. There are five types of heavy chains, namely, (IgG), (IgA), (IgM), (IgD), and (IgE). Immunoglobulin G and IgA have variable numbers of disulfide bonds linking the heavy chains to each other and the heavy chains to the light chains. These characterize different isotypes of these Ig molecules, known as IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4, as well as IgA1 and IgA2. Immunoglobulin A and IgG2 tend to exist in pairs of units known as "dimers" or may even polymerize to produce larger molecules. Immunoglobulin M exists primarily as a pentamer molecule composed of five Ig units. Normal light chains synthesized by the plasma cells maintain a ratio of to of 2 to 1 in the serum. The synthesis of light chains occurs independently from heavy chains, and they combine in the rough endoplasmic reticulum to form the complete immunoglobulin molecule.