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By: X. Dargoth, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville

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The selective recruitment and support of hemopoietic subsets is an essential physiologic function of stromal cells in specific microenvironments heart attack prevention generic coreg 12.5mg without a prescription. The stromal microenvironment plays a crucial role in the maintenance of such survival niches blood pressure medication pictures purchase 6.25mg coreg overnight delivery, which are not generic but are highly specific to certain organs and tissues, resulting in site-specific differences in the ability of different stromal cells to support the differential accumulation of leukocyte subsets. In the case of an inflammatory response, successful resolution requires the removal of the vast majority of immune cells that were recruited and expanded during the active phase of the inflammation. A number of studies have shown that during the resolution phase of viral infections, the initial increase in T cell numbers in peripheral blood that is seen within the first few days is followed by a wave of apoptosis occurring in the activated T cells. This situation is mirrored within tissues, where apoptosis induced by the molecule Fas occurs at the peak of the inflammatory response and may be responsible for limiting the extent of the immune response. Recent studies have shown that a failure of synovial T cells to undergo apoptosis contributes to the persistence of the inflammatory infiltrate. Not surprisingly, other leukocyte subpopulations have been shown to derive support from stromal cells. Although fibroblast support for T cell and B cell survival exhibits sitespecific properties, neutrophil survival is dependent on prior cytokine activation of fibroblasts and shows no differences between fibroblasts taken from different anatomic sites. A number of studies have recently reported that the synovial microenvironment contributes directly to the inappropriate retention of T cells within the joint by an active chemokinedependent process. The presence of high levels of inflammatory chemokines, produced by stromal cells, is a characteristic of environments such as the rheumatoid synovium. However, recent data suggest that, paradoxically, constitutive chemokines, which are involved in the recruitment of lymphocytes to secondary lymphoid tissues, are ectopically expressed in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. This chemokinereceptor pair plays an important role, both in the constitutive traffic of lymphocytes and in the recruitment and retention of hemopoietic cells within the bone marrow. Adhesive interactions consist of integrin-receptor interactions as described in the text and the critical presence of homotypic interaction through cadherin-11. B, Sublining synovial fibroblasts interact with numerous cell types including mast cells and plasma cells (not shown), T cells, B cells, interstitial macrophages, and endothelial cells, leading to their recruitment, retention, activation, and differentiation. Both cell surface receptor interactions and secreted mediators are important in this process. In addition, fibroblasts may activate T cells through antigen presentation, co-stimulatory receptors. Neutrophils and monocyte/macrophage lineage cells are also recruited by fibroblast chemokine production. Furthermore, production of dickkopf-1 (Dkk1) inhibits wnt signaling pathways, which normally promote anabolic osteoblast activity, preventing repair of bone erosions. These experiments demonstrate that understanding the behavior of fibroblasts and leukocytes within microenvironments necessarily requires that we model the interactions of all the cellular populations concerned. An elegant example of this approach in vitro is the work of Lally and colleagues, who developed a flow-based model of cellular recruitment to the rheumatoid synovium. The lymphoid infiltrates in the rheumatoid synovium can be divided into at least three distinct histologic groupings, varying from diffuse lymphocyte infiltrates through organized lymphoid aggregates to clear germinal center reactions. Moreover, there is conflicting evidence that such distinct histologic types correlate with other serum indicators of disease activity. The elegant choreography of lymphocyte-stromal interactions within lymph nodes is organized by expression of adhesive and chemotactic cues in overlapping and combinatorial fashions. The surface marker gp38 (podoplanin) is a potential therapeutic target that marks populations of fibroblasts (fibroblastic reticular cells) that modulate trafficking of immune cells such as dendritic cells within the lymph node. The other group of markers that has been associated with synovial fibroblasts has come from the field of oncology. Epigenetic Regulation of Fibroblast Gene Expression in Rheumatic Disease Epigenetic regulation implies heritable alterations in regulation of gene transcription in the absence of genetic mutation. Once again initial studies have focused on genome-wide regulation; blockade in dermal fibroblasts of histone 3 lysine 27 trimethylation, a well-characterized histone modification associated with gene silencing, led to dramatic increases in collagen release in vitro and in animal models of fibrosis.