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By: K. Joey, MD

Assistant Professor, Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California

In all of these rare cases hair loss zones order cheap finast on line, the female role has been chosen and reduction clitoroplasty performed hair loss telogen effluvium purchase finast 5 mg overnight delivery. Leydig cell hypoplasia Leydig cell hypoplasia is an uncommon condition of which the aetiology remains speculative. The role of fetal luteinizing hormone in normal testicular development is unknown, but it may be necessary for maturation of the interstitial cells into Leydig cells. Failure of luteinizing hormone production in the first trimester will result in Leydig cell hypoplasia and male pseudohermaphroditism (or an autosomal-recessive disorder resulting in absent luteinizing hormone receptors will cause absence of Leydig cells). This manifests as ambiguous genitalia, in both circumstances due to some androgen production by Sertoli cells. Clinically, Leydig cell hypoplasia usually presents as a phenotypical female with primary amenorrhoea and sexual infantilism, but ambiguity at birth may result in diagnosis in infancy. Clinically, they do not present until puberty, when this is delayed due to failure to be able to produce testosterone and due to the degeneration of seminiferous tubules and Leydig cell hyperplasia, which seems to occur just prior to puberty. These patients almost always present at birth with female external genitalia and testes in the inguinal canal, and undergo masculinization at puberty. Those individuals to be raised as females should have their gonads removed before puberty and oestrogen therapy started at puberty. The majority of patients present at puberty with primary amenorrhoea, but some will present with ambiguous genitalia. The defect may be 5-reductase deficiency or complete or partial androgen insensitivity. Those individuals who have survived and reached puberty have developed gynaecomastia, presumably because the absence of testosterone during fetal life has allowed breast bud development. The diagnosis is made by elevated levels of pregnenolone and 17-hydroxypregnenolone, and low levels of corticosteroids and testosterone. In infancy, there is usually a small phallus, some degree of hypospadias, a bifid scrotum and a blind vaginal pouch. At puberty, elevated levels of androgen lead to masculinization, including an increase in phallic growth, although this remains smaller than normal. The diagnosis is important in individuals born with ambiguous genitalia in order to assign the sex of rearing, and this should be based on the potential for normal sexual function in adult life. The gonads should be removed if the sex of rearing is to be female, and oestrogen replacement therapy is instituted at puberty. The diagnosis is usually only made in adulthood with failure to develop secondary sexual characteristics. The impaired adrenal production of cortisol is not associated with clinical symptoms as the elevated levels of corticosterone compensate. The gonads should be removed if the patient is assigned a female gender and hormone replacement therapy instituted. The clinical findings Complete androgen insensitivity this is an X-linked recessive disorder characterized by the clinical features of normal female external genitalia, a blind Table 13. The testes are found either in the labial folds, the inguinal canal or may be intra-abdominal. These patients may lack the androgen receptor and may be shown to lack the gene located on the X chromosome between Xp11 and Xq13. Work by Brown et al (1982), however, suggests that there may be a variety of defects, ranging from absence of receptors to presence of a normal number of receptors which are inactive. The exact mechanism of the defects in patients with androgen receptors awaits definition. The hormonal levels of testosterone which are elevated above normal due to increased luteinizing hormone production and the associated increase in testicular oestradiol and peripheral conversion of androgens to oestradiol promotes some breast development. Pubic hair growth depends on the degree of insensitivity but is usually rather scanty.


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Haemorrhage Haemorrhage from the genital tract may complicate parturition or may be associated with benign hair loss cure reddit best buy for finast. Traditional surgical therapy of severe pelvic haemorrhage consists most commonly of unilateral or bilateral internal iliac artery ligation hair loss cure 4 batten buy cheap finast 5mg on line, although in the case of primary postpartum haemorrhage, hysterectomy is more often performed. Previous internal iliac artery ligation does not necessarily prevent successful arterial embolization but may make the procedure technically more difficult (Collins and Jackson 1995). Embolization is very successful in a variety of gynaecological disorders complicated by bleeding. Cervicalcarcinoma the cervix In cervical carcinoma, precise staging of the primary disease provides a prognosis, allows the institution of correct treatment and permits comparison of different treatment proto- cols. Clinical staging, applied according to the system of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, is subjective and is still widely used. Imaging with ultrasound does not improve the accuracy of clinical staging (Fotopoulou et al 2008), with poor image quality and difficulty in interpretation as the major problems. Although transrectal ultrasound produces clearer views of the cervix, definition of tumour from normal cervix is still poor. Embolization performed with polyvinyl alcohol particles gave excellent control of bleeding. Endovaginal coils give very-highresolution images of the cervix and adjacent parametrium (deSouza et al 1996). Volume (threedimensional) imaging also provides the information necessary to calculate tumour volumes, which is of prognostic significance. The volumetry of the tumour also gives a more accurate prediction of parametrial invasion and lymph node involvement (Burghardt et al 1992). Dynamic contrast-enhanced studies have been used for assessment of tumour angiogenesis (Hawighorst et al 1999), and the rate of contrast uptake has 70 been shown to correlate with microvessel density in the tumour. However, no correlation with tumour aggressiveness has been demonstrated (Postema et al 1999) and these images are not used routinely. Contrast enhancement has not proved beneficial; in a series of 73 patients, fast spin-echo T2weighted images had an accuracy of 83% for determining parametrial extension (compared with 65% for T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced images and 72% for T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed images). The high negative predictive value (95%) for the exclusion of parametrial tumour invasion was the principal contributor to the staging accuracy obtained with fast spin-echo T2-weighted imaging (Sironi et al 2002). There is distortion and displacement of the normal low-signal band of inner stroma (arrows). A break in this stromal ring indicating parametrial extension is seen on the T2-weighted images (arrowhead in B). A large carcinoma is seen (arrows) abutting but not invading the bladder base anteriorly and the rectal wall posteriorly. Nodal involvement the role of lymphangiography in the staging of cervical cancer is obsolete, with up to 71% false-positive results and 16% false-negative results. The major drawback for epithelial tumours is that nodes must be enlarged to be detectable. The particles, administered intravenously, are taken up by macrophages in the reticuloendothelial system, predominantly within the lymph nodes. Metastatic tissue within a node displaces the normal macrophages, thus preventing uptake of contrast agent, and the node continues to remain high in signal intensity. However, specificity is low, although Doppler may help to distinguish hormonal causes of thickening (weak signals) and malignancy which gives marked colour and spectral Doppler signals (Weber et al 1998). Three-dimensional power Doppler has been reported to improve detection of endometrial carcinoma in patients with postmenopausal bleeding (Alcazar and Galvan 2009). In patients already proven to have an endometrial cancer, myometrial extension has important prognostic and therapeutic implications. Myometrial invasion may be classified as absent, superficial or deep, and this can be assessed with high-resolution ultrasound probes. In a study of 75 patients, ultrasound had a diagnostic accuracy of 73% (Berretta et al 2008).

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The most common congenital abnormality is agenesis or malformations of the Wolffian-duct-derived structures: the corpus/cauda epididymis hair loss after gastric sleeve cheap finast 5 mg, vas deferens and seminal vesicles hair loss in menopause prevention finast 5 mg. Diagnosis is usually quite easy; the scrotal vasa are not palpable and the ejaculate consists of low volumes (>1 ml) of acidic non-coagulating prostatic fluid devoid of fructose and sperm. In general, the more mutations tested for, the higher the percentage of men found to have mutations. Infection in the lower genital tract can be a treatable cause of male infertility, and the incidence varies in different communities. Gram-negative enterococci, chlamydia and gonococcus are established pathogenic organisms which usually produce unequivocal clinical evidence of infection (adnexitis), such as painful ejaculation, pelvic or sacral pain, urethral discharge, haematospermia, dysuria, irregular tender epididymides and tender boggy prostate. Inflammation of the accessory glands and excurrent ducts may give rise to disturbed function, formation of sperm antibody and permanent structural damage with obstruction in the outflow tract. Thus, whilst there is little doubt that overt sexually transmitted disease may damage male fertility and should be appropriately managed, there is much more doubt about the relevance of subclinical infection. The entity of asymptomatic prostatitis is poorly defined and there is little evidence to support a genuine role for occult infections in male infertility. There is thus no place for microbiological screening investigations unless there is clinical suspicion of adnexitis. Furthermore, the isolation of non-pathogenic organisms such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, diptheroids, Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis, which are commensals in the normal urethra, does not warrant the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in the hope of correcting any abnormalities in the semen parameters. There Iatrogenicinfertility Many general medical disorders are associated with male infertility, either directly. A number of pharmaceuticals can impair sperm production, the most common example in clinical practice today being sulphasalazine for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. A number of other drugs are also associated with detrimental effects on spermatogenesis, including nitrofurantoin, anabolic steroids, sex steroids and anticonvulsants. The degree of stem cell killing governs whether there is recovery of spermatogenesis or not after treatment. Similarly, radiation exposure of over 6 Gy destroys germ cells with no chance of recovery. Whilst antisperm antibodies are found in perhaps one in six of the male partners of infertile couples, a prevalence which is higher than that for fertile controls, their effect on fertility is hard to determine. Unfortunately, antibodies to sperm surface antigens are also found in fertile control populations, and current techniques do not permit the meaningful separation of cases with autoimmunity to biologically relevant epitopes (Paradisi et al 1995). Given the consensus view that assisted conception is the treatment of choice, this may not now be a clinically relevant issue. Undecanoate is largely confined to paediatric practice for pubertal induction as circulating concentrations tend to be low. Testosterone patches frequently cause skin irritation, although this is not a problem with the gels as these do not contain the enhancers necessary to promote absorption across the skin. New injectable esters are becoming available with a longer duration of action, with up to 3 months between administration (Srinivas-Shankar and Wu 2006). Testosterone will restore sexual interest and activity, and penile erections during and on waking from sleep. Other symptoms of testosterone deficiency include tiredness, irritability and loss of body hair. Testosterone will not induce or improve fertility, and there is no place for androgen treatment of men wishing to conceive. Coitaldisorders Inadequate coital technique (including the use of vaginal lubricants with spermicidal properties) and frequency and faulty timing of intercourse may contribute to continuing infertility, but are rarely the only aetiological factors in the infertile couple. Erectile and ejaculatory failure may be caused by psychosexual dysfunction, depression, spinal cord injuries, retroperitoneal and bladder neck surgery, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, vascular insufficiency, adrenergic blocking antihypertensive agents, psychotrophic drugs, alcohol abuse and chronic renal failure. Primary endocrine pathologies such as androgen deficiency, hyperprolactinaemia and hypothyroidism seldom present with infertility without diminished libido and clinical features specific to the hormonal disturbances. Retrograde ejaculation must be differentiated from aspermia or anejaculation by examination of postejaculatory urine for the presence of spermatozoa. Gonadotrophindeficiency the clinical features of gonadotrophin deficiency depend on the cause and time of onset, in particular whether the man is pre- or postpubertal. In contrast to these congenital varieties of isolated hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, postnatally or postpubertally acquired gonadotrophin deficiency may arise from tumours, chronic inflammatory lesions, iron overload or injuries of the hypothalamus and pituitary, so that deficits in other pituitary hormones usually coexist. These patients have developed seminiferous tubules which have regressed through lack of trophic hormone support.

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In cases of extensive bladder damage or lacerations hair loss updates finast 5mg with mastercard, an urologist should be involved with this repair hair loss in male guinea pigs buy discount finast 5 mg on line. It will also be advisable to arrange a cystogram before removal of the catheter to ensure complete healing. An unrepaired bladder injury will result in vesicovaginal fistula, which usually presents in the first postoperative week. Fistulae presenting later may be the end result of a pelvic haematoma or vascular necrosis of the bladder wall. Ureter Ureteric damage is less common than bladder injury during gynaecological surgery, with an incidence that varies between 0. The risk is particularly increased in patients with extensive endometriosis and/or adhesions, which could distort the course of the ureter. The incidence of ureteric damage is also increased in women who received pelvic radiotherapy prior to their surgery. The ureteric damage can either occur as a result of direct trauma to the ureter with sharp instruments at the time of surgery, or indirect damage due to delayed avascular necrosis resulting from excessive dissection of the ureter with damage of its blood supply. Delayed ureteric necrosis and damage could also result from thermal injury during the use of electrosurgery. Another form of ureteric damage results from ureteric obstruction due to involvement of the ureter in a suture. Intraoperative recognition of direct ureteric injury can be difficult and requires a significant amount of experience. Careful inspection of the ureter from the pelvic brim downwards will help to detect direct injuries. Injury near the brim of the pelvis is managed by end-to-side anastomosis or, more commonly, by end-to-end anastomosis to the opposite ureter. Damage near to the bladder is better repaired with ureteric reimplantation into the bladder using either a psoas hitch or bladder flap. Unrecognized ureteric injury will result in extravasation of urine, which collects in the pelvis causing pelvic discomfort and pyrexia. It may also go completely unrecognized, and be discovered many years later as an incidental finding. Cystoscopy and retrograde insertion of ureteric stents is an alternative but often less satisfactory approach. If a fistula is suspected in the immediate postoperative phase, a urinary catheter should be inserted immediately to assess urine output. A three-swab test will help to identify vesicovaginal fistula, but urine leakage around the catheter may be misleading. Other tests that may help to establish the diagnosis include ingestion of indigo carmine with later vaginal inspection to determine whether a fistula is present. Intravenous urography will help in locating the site of damage, but small fistulae may be difficult to see. The risk is increased in women with previous surgery, particularly caesarean section and anterior wall myomectomy, where the bladder becomes firmly adherent to the cervix and upper vagina. The damage usually occurs during dissection of the bladder from the cervix, even when applying gentle and blunt methods. Intraoperative recognition of the injury is crucial in order to avoid long-term consequences such as fistula formation, which can be difficult to treat. Primary injuries are usually recognized at the time of surgery, although they can easily be missed. In women at high risk of bladder damage, it is usually good practice to exercise a high level of suspicion. If still in doubt, a methylene blue test could be used to check for any bladder tears. A Foley catheter is inserted in the bladder (transurethrally) and methylene blue dye in saline solution is injected through the catheter to fill the bladder. If a defect is detected, it should be repaired in two layers with absorbable suture material. This can usually be performed by the 9 Postoperative care Spontaneous healing of a damaged bladder is dependent upon the extent of the urinary leakage.